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March 2014

Created on: Wednesday, 2 April 2014 at 10:39:03 AM

Supertowns Initiative

There has been a significant amount of discussion recently in the press about the future of the SuperTowns program, which the Shire of Northam has been involved in. Unfortunately there is some misunderstanding in communities with regards to what this program was established for. In essence the Government of WA identified a number of regional communities (9) in WA which it felt had the potential for growth that for some reason was not being realised. As a consequence the Government was of the view it needed to place some focus on these communities to support them in achieving their growth potential.


As a component of the program each town was required to prepare a Growth Plan which identified both aspirational growth objectives and key inhibitors to that growth occurring. The Growth Plan also included an implementation plan which identifies key projects and strategies that are required to be undertaken to achieve the regional growth identified. The Growth Plan has also been endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and funding for the first stage was based around the implementation plan contained therein.

The initial business cases that were funded under the program are the development of the Avon Health and Emergency Services Precinct (incorporating the provision of land and services for both the Wheatbelt GP Network and St John’s Ambulance) and the Avon River Revitalisation and Riverfront Redevelopment (Stage 1) which is primary based around drainage improvements, health and appearance of the river and surrounds and aboriginal and environmental interpretation. Both projects are progressing with construction of the GP Super Clinic now commenced, the King Creek drainage improvement works complete, designs for the Aboriginal and Environmental Interpretation Centre completed and a number of recommended drainage improvement works in the final stages of adoption.

The Shire of Northam is of the view that the Government remains supportive of the concept, given that a number of recent key strategic planning documents have referenced the program in the context of the Government planning framework. The Shire of Northam will continue to advocate for the program and once the current group of projects is finalised will be looking to the Government to financially support the next stage of development to assist Northam grow its population.

Ultimately the success of the program will be known not next year or the year after, but in 5-10 years when we measure our actual growth against our aspirations for growth as identified in the Plan. Copies of all documentation relating to SuperTowns is available on the Shire of Northam website.

Trees for 2014

Trees under the Shire of Northam’s subsidised tree program will be available this year for planting after the first rains.
The program is continuing from previous years, with Council subsidising 50% of tree purchases for property owners within the Shire of Northam, on the following basis:
1 - 15 ha (5 - 37 acres): 64 trees (1 tray)
15.01 - 80 ha (37 acres - 198 acres): 128 trees (2 trays)
80 ha – 500 ha (198 - 1235acres): 192 trees (3 trays)
Over 500 ha (1235 acres): 256 trees (4 trays)
Any person wishing to purchase trees on the 50% subsidy basis will need to contact the Shire of Northam Administration Office to request a voucher prior to visiting WA Farm Trees (Great Eastern Highway, Northam - near 6 AM Hill). Payment of the tray deposit is the responsibility of the individual.


Killara day care and respite services are available for frail aged persons and people with an ongoing functional disability and living in the community.


 Of particular interest for people who are new to town or come from a multicultural background, Killara hosts a multicultural day on the first Wednesday of every month from 9am to 2pm. Each month Killara shines the spotlight on a different culture and provides a luncheon encompassing cuisine from that country. Naturally the April theme is “Easter” and will embrace a variety of different cultures and cuisines.


This is a great way to meet people from varied multicultural backgrounds and enrich your knowledge and curiosity about other cultures.

This is a Home and Community Care funded group and there is an attendance cost of $8.00 per person and $9.00 for the luncheon, which is to be paid on the day. Killara is situated on the corner of Burgoyne & Chidlow Streets in Northam, but transport can be arranged for residents in the Shire of Northam. To facilitate catering, please make a booking to attend by calling 9622 5765, and the Killara staff and group members will look forward to meeting you.

Community Grants 2014/15

Incorporated community organisations will soon be invited to submit applications to the 2014/15 Shire of Northam Community Grants scheme.  If your group has a project or event planned, please contact Annique Gray on 9622 6129 or email [email protected] to request an application package and discuss your proposal and eligibility for funding.   Application packages will also be made available on the website, with outcomes advised following the adoption of Council’s 2014/15 Budget.  

Triathlon 2014

Wesfarmers Centenary Community Concert April 2014

It’s now only weeks to the Wesfarmers Centenary Community Concert, one of the biggest performing arts events ever to be held in regional Western Australia.

On Saturday 12 April, Northam will host the West Australian Symphony Orchestra and the WA Opera as they perform a spectacular program of classical masterpieces and popular favourites under the stars at Henry St Oval.

The main event gets underway at 7pm but there will be plenty of entertainment from when gates open at 4pm, including a children’s fun area and some terrific young performers as support acts including the Perth Hills and Wheatbelt Band and Aboriginal country rock band Patch Up.

Final preparations are now underway at and around the Northam Recreation Centre to ensure everything runs smoothly and safely. Some temporary measures are required to run an event of this scale in Northam, including traffic management and road closures around the venue on the day, and reduced public access to Henry St Oval and the Northam Recreation Centre in the days leading up to the concert. Your patience and co-operation will be appreciated.

Residents of Northam will receive a letter from Wesfarmers with more details on the event. There’s also plenty of information on the Wesfarmers website at

Just a reminder: the concert is free, everyone’s welcome, so get your family, friends and a picnic together (the event is not licensed so BYO alcohol only) and join Wesfarmers in celebrating its 100th Birthday.

What does Local Government do?

What local governments do is often a question asked at interviews for prospective local government employees and one which as a general rule is not answered well. The range of responsibilities for local governments is growing significantly, and the Shire of Northam is no longer just focused only on roads, rates and rubbish. The following provides a small snapshot of some of the things local government is involved in;

  • Provision of recreation services (recreation centres, swimming pools, parks, gardens, ovals);

  • Waste management (rubbish site, recycling, kerbside pickups)

  • Roads (maintenance and construction of Council road network)

  • Animal management (cats, dogs etc)

  • Economic development (regional and local)

  • Community events (providing across all communities in the Shire of Northam)

  • Aged care and respite services (Killara)

  • Provisions of halls and facilities

  • Environmental services (rive revitalisation, flood mitigation)

  • Building services (building licenses, inspections)

  • Town & community planning

  • Libraries

  • Visitor Centre

Get Involved BBQ – 8 April 2014

Residents are invited to a community BBQ to discover the many sporting clubs and community organisations in the Shire of Northam. Representatives from a wide range of groups and clubs will be on hand to provide advice on their activities and memberships, so whether you are interested in joining a sporting club, an environmental group, a playgroup, a senior’s organisation, a youth group, a men’s shed or want to offer your help to a charity, this is a great way to kick start your involvement in the community.

The event is a joint initiative of the WA Country Health Service, the Shire of Northam, the Department of Sport and Recreation and Act Belong Commit. All sporting and community organisations are welcome to participate.

Be there at Bernard Park on Tuesday 8 April 2014 from 5 pm to 7 pm.
Cost: FREE
Food and refreshments provided

Wesfarmers Centenary Community Concert


Pdf Version of the February 2014 Newsletter can be downloaded by Clicking Here.

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