Building Services Overview
Quick Links
Information sheets, application forms, fees and other details for Building Services can be found below:
For any enquiries, you can contact our Building Department on 9622 6100 or by emailing [email protected] and address your email to 'Building Services'.
All application forms and frequently used building service information can be found on either the Lodging a Building Permit Application page or one of the quick links listed above.
Building Services
The Shire of Northam’s Building Services department ensures a safe built environment for the community through approving and monitoring all building activity on private land and public spaces. This is achieved through administering the requirements of the National Construction Code, Building Act 2011, Building Regulations 2012 and other statutory provisions, as applicable.
In addition to assessing and issuing permits and certificates, the Shire also offers the following Certification Services:
- Certificate of Design Compliance
- Certificate of Construction Compliance (Commercial: Class 2 – 9 only if CDC has been provided by the Shire's Building Surveyor)
- Residential and Commercial Consultancy
Building Commission
The Building Commission (Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety) provides more information on the Building Permit process, and includes ways to manage complaints and more. They have a guide to the building approvals process in Western Australia which provides an overview of the building approvals process. Among the sections included in the approvals process guide include the following:
- the State’s building legislation
- the various types of permits and application processes
- exemptions from requiring a permit that may apply
- building standards and certifying compliance
- retrospective approval of unauthorised work
- what to do if work will affect other land
- The roles and responsibilities of those involved
For information specific to the process on Lodging a Building Permit Application within the Shire of Northam, please click here.