Council Registers
Attendance at Council Meeting Register
This register details the Elected Members attendance at Council and Committee Meetings.
Complaints of a Minor Breach Register
The Councillor Conduct Complaints Register provides details of breaches related to the Local Government Act (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 which the Local Government Standards Panel find has occurred and the actions taken. The Councillor Conduct Complaints Register is published in the interest of accountability and transparency [s5.121].
Council Member Sitting Fees and Allowances
Council Member fees and allowances are determined by the salaries and allowances tribunal according to 'band' classification for local governments in Western Australia. The Shire of Northam is classified by the tribunal as a 'band 2' local government.
Delegated Authority Register
The Local Government Act 1995 allows for a local government to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer [Sections 5.42 and 5.43] the exercise of any of its powers or the discharge of any of its duties under the Act.
The Act allows for the Chief Executive Officer to delegate any of his/her powers to another employee and this must be done in writing. The Act also allows for the Chief Executive Officer to place conditions on any delegations if they desire.
Elected Member Professional Development Register
The professional development register provides details of conference and training completed by Elected Members in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 and the Shire's Council Members - Continuing Professional Development Policy.
Electoral Gift Register
The Shire maintains an electoral gifts register that details certain information of electoral gift declarations made by candidates and donors during local government elections.
Following each election, any declarations made by unsuccessful candidates are removed from the register. Any declarations made by candidates that are successful in being elected to Office, are maintained in the register for the term relating to that election.
Gift and Travel Contribution Register
In accordance with the recent changes to the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government Administration Regulations 1996, the Shire must provide a public register of gifts and travel contributions made to staff and Elected Members within ten (10) days of receipt of the gift. This ensures the actions of staff and Elected Members are transparent, accountable and ethical.
As per the Local Government Regulations 2007, a notifiable gift, in relation to a person who is a council member means —
(a) a gift worth between $50 and $300; or
(b) a gift that is one of 2 or more gifts given to the council member by the same person within a period of 6 months that are in total worth between $50 and $300.
Interest Disclosure Register
The Local Government Act 1995 (Section 5.66) deals with the disclosures of interest in any matters before Council. This register details the interests disclosed by Councillors and staff at its council and committee meetings.
Primary and Annual Returns Register
Section 5.75 and 5.76 of the Local Government Act 1995 (“Act”) set out the requirements for elected members, Chief Executive Officer and delegated employees to complete a Primary Return within three months of the start date or an annual return by the 31 August of the year.
Section 5.96A(1)(i) of the Act requires the name of each council member and position of each employee who lodge a primary return or annual return for a financial year beginning on or after 1 July 2020 to be published on the Shire’s website.
Admin.Reg.29C(2)(d) & (e) requires the CEO to publish on the website the name of each Council Member and the position title of each employee that lodged a primary or annual return for a financial year beginning or after 1 July 2020.
Tender Register
This Register includes information about contracts the Shire has entered following a tender process.