Decision No. |
Item No. |
Item Name |
Decision |
C.4404 |
9 |
Application for Leave of Absence |
That Council grant Cr M I Girak leave of absence from 13 June 2022 to 22 July 2022 (inclusive). |
C.4405 |
10.1 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Held 16 February 2022 |
That the minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on Wednesday, 16 February 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting. |
C.4406 |
10.2 |
Notes from the Strategic Council Meeting Held 23 February 2022 |
That Council receive the notes from the Strategic Council meeting held Wednesday, 23 February 2022. |
C.4407 |
10.3 |
Notes from the Council Forum Meeting held 9 March 2022 |
That Council receive the notes from the Council Forum meeting held Wednesday, 9 March 2022. |
C.4408 |
13.4.3 |
Lease of former Bakers Hill Fire Shed |
That Council raise agenda item 13.4.3 – Lease of former Bakers Hill Fire Shed from the table. |
C.4409 |
12.1 |
Lease of former Bakers Hill Fire Shed |
That Council:
- Approve a 10 year peppercorn lease for the Bakers Hill Fire Shed Lot 217 Great Eastern Highway, Bakers Hill to the Bakers Hill Out of School Care group in line with the Shire’s Policy A8.5 with the following conditions:
No occupancy of the shed until:
- A Development Approval and Building Approval has been obtained within 6 months from date of this determination.
- Outside funding has been applied for and approved for essential renovations;
- The shed has been improved to at least the minimum specifications;
- Not to be occupied until the Shire has issued an approved Certificate of Occupancy.
- In the event the Bakers Hill Out of School Hours Care choose not to proceed with, or are unable to satisfy the conditions of, the lease, authorise the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate a lease with the Bakers Hill RSL.
- Request the Chief Executive Officer to report to Council the outcomes of the negotiations with the Bakers Hill RSL, for Council approval.
C.4410 |
12.1 |
Community Safety Committee Meeting Held 15 February 2022 |
That Council receive the minutes from the Community Safety Committee meeting held on 15 February 2022. |
C.4411 |
12.1 |
Community Safety Committee Meeting Held 15 February 2022 |
That Council accepts the update of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan provided. |
C.4412 |
12.2 |
Audit & Risk Management Committee Meeting Held 24 February 2022 |
That Council receive the minutes from the Audit & Risk Management Committee meeting held on 24 February 2022. |
C.4413 |
12.2 |
Audit & Risk Management Committee Meeting Held 24 February 2022 |
That Council:
- Adopt the attached 2021 Audit Compliance Report as required, prior to submission to the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.
- Receives the update as provided in Attachment 1.
- Receives the update as provided in Attachment 1 in relation to the progress made towards the Regulation 17 Action Plan.
- Acknowledge that the Recommended Actions from the Regulation 17 Review are considered completed and not require the item to be provided in the future.
- Receive the update as provided in the monthly Compliance Calendar Report.
- Receives the February 2022 Shire of Northam Risk Register update.
- Receives the COVID-19 Business Continuity Response Plan update.
- Supports the COVID-19 Leave position included in the Pandemic Business Continuity Response Plan.
C.4414 |
12.3 |
Community Safety Committee Meeting Held 3 March 2022 |
That Council receive the minutes from the Community Safety Committee meeting held on 3 March 2022. |
C.4415 |
12.3 |
Community Safety Committee Meeting Held 3 March 2022 |
That Council endorses the Draft Community Safety & Crime Prevention Plan 2022 – 2026. |
C.4416 |
12.4 |
Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting Held 3 March 2022 |
That Council receive the minutes from the Local Emergency Management Committee meeting held on 3 March 2022. |
C.4417 |
12.4 |
Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting Held 3 March 2022 |
That Council:
- Appoint the Shire of Northam’s Executive Manager Corporate Services as the Deputy Local Recovery Coordinator.
- Endorse the Local Emergency Management Arrangements as provided in Attachment 1.
C.4418 |
12.5 |
Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting Held 9 March 2022 |
That Council receive the minutes from the Bush Fire Advisory Committee meeting held on 9 March 2022. |
C.4419 |
12.5 |
Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting Held 9 March 202 |
That Council:
- Note the Community Emergency Services Manager Report as provided.
- Note the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer Report as provided.
C.4420 |
13.2.1 |
RFQ 21 & 24 of 2021 – Price Variation |
That Council:
- Accept the proposed cost variation of $42,183.89 for RFQ 21 of 2021 and authorise the CEO to execute the contract with the preferred supplier, WCP Civil Pty Ltd, for the agreed amount of $546,727.52 (ex GST), to complete works on the following roads:
- Parker St
- Cox St
- Clarke St
- Croke Ave
- Forward St
- Accept the proposed cost variation of $33,474.97 for RFQ 24 of 2021 and authorise the CEO to execute the contract with the preferred supplier, WCP Civil Pty Ltd, for the agreed amount of $1,557,512.44 (ex GST), to complete works on the following roads:
- Dring Street;
- Charles Street;
- Wellington Street;
- Robinson Road;
- Jennapullin Road, and;
- Southern Brook Road.
- Endorse the deferral of Linley Valley Road project to 2022/23 financial year.
C.4421 |
13.3.1 |
Proposed Minor Amendment to Local Planning Policy No. 2 – General Development Guidelines |
That Council:
- Adopts for final approval LPP2 – General Development Guidelines as amended (Attachment 1):
- Advertises the adoption of the amended version of LPP2 in accordance with the provisions of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
C.4422 |
13.3.2 |
Proposed Drive-Through Modifications – McDonalds, Northam |
That Council APPROVE the application (ref: P21041) to obtain development approval to carry out alterations to McDonalds at Lot 59 (No. 42) Peel Terrace, Northam, subject to the following conditions:
- The development hereby permitted shall substantially commence within two (2) years from the date of determination.
- The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the stamped approved plans.
- Prior to use of the development, the landscaping and reticulation shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the local government.
- Prior to use of the development, the car parking bays, vehicle access and circulation areas shown on the approved plans, shall be constructed, drained, and line marked and thereafter maintained to the satisfaction of the local government.
- Deliveries shall be scheduled outside of peak site activity to minimise the potential conflict with drive-through traffic.
C.4423 |
13.4.1 |
Accounts & Statements of Accounts for the period 1 February 2022 to 28 February 2022 |
That Council receive the payments for the period 1 February 2022 to 28 February 2022, as listed:
- Municipal Fund payment cheque numbers 35478 to 35485 Total $54,320.55.
- Municipal Fund EFT42748 to EFT43015 Total $1,548,499.53.
- Direct Debits Total $89,055.24.
- Payroll Total $503,927.01
TOTAL: $2,195,802.33
Which have been made in accordance with the delegated authority reference number (M/F/F/Regs LGA 1995 S5.42).
C.4424 |
13.4.2 |
Financial Statement for the period ending 28 February 2022 |
That Council receives the Financial Statements, prepared in accordance with the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations, for the period ending 28 February 2022. |
C.4425 |
13.4.4 |
Mid-Year Budget Review |
That Council:
- Receive the Budget Review conducted for the six (6) months ended 31 January 2022.
- Authorise the Chief Executive Office to amend the 2021/22 Budget in accordance with the attached report titled Budget Review as at 31 January 2022.
C.4426 |
13.5.1 |
Community Representation on Nyoongar Cultural Advisory Council Committee |
That Council endorse the amended Terms of Reference of the Nyoongar Cultural Advisory Group as attached:
- Allowing one proxy member per family group
- Removing 7. Sitting Fees for meeting attendance
C.4427 |
13.5.1 |
Community Representation on Nyoongar Cultural Advisory Council Committee |
That Council appoint the following community members to the Nyoongar Cultural Advisory Group, with the families to nominate 1 voting member and 1 proxy:
- Stella Joan Parfitt (nee Ryder)
- Vivienne Ryder
- Elizabeth Stack
- Kate Stack
Slater: McGuire:
- Deborah Moody (nee McGuire)
- Priscilla Moody
- Julie Wynne (nee Moody)
- Kathy Davis
- Jermaine Davis
Other Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Representatives:
C.4429 |
14.1 |
Wellington / Duke Street Land (Former Victoria Oval Site) |
That Council;
- Advises Uniting Church Homes that it is prepared to amend the Contract for Sale of Land for 135-155 Wellington Street East, between the Shire of Northam (seller) and Uniting Church Homes trading as Juniper (buyer), by amending Clause 11 ‘Development’ to provide an additional nine (9) months (to November 30, 2022) to secure funding and commit to proceeding with the Aged Care Development.
- Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to explore potential future ‘developers’ of 135-155 Wellington Street East in the `context that the Council may decide to purchase the lots back in the event Uniting Church Homes are unable to satisfy the revised conditions outlined in item 1 of this recommendation.
- Requests a further report to be presented to the Council in December 2022.
C.4430 |
14.2 |
Sale of Lot 291 Blackberry Close, Bakers Hill |
That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to:
- Dispose of Lot 291 Blackberry Close, Bakers Hill, by public auction with a reserve price consistent with the valuation received from Herron Todd White Valuers dated March 2022.
- Engage a suitably qualified persons to undertake the public auction on behalf of the Shire of Northam and in the event the property is not sold by public auction, have the property listed with a local real estate agent
- Accept offers for the sale of Lot 291 Blackberry Close, Bakers Hill for an amount not less than 90% of the sworn valuation.
C.4431 |
14.4 |
Lease of Lot 29081 Aphylla Road, Burlong |
That Council authorise:
- Disposal of 21 ha of Lot 29081 Aphylla Road, Burlong by lease agreement for a period of three (3) years with a further option of two (2) years at the cost of $2,016 per annum.
- The Lessee to maintain firebreaks and fences to the satisfaction of the Shire.
- Advertisement of the property in accordance with s3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995.
- The CEO and Shire President to affix the common seal to the lease agreement.
C.4432 |
14.3 |
Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting Held 9 March 2022 |
That Council receive the minutes from the Chief Executive Officer Review Committee meeting held on 9 March 2022. |
C.4433 |
14.3 |
Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting Held 9 March 2022 |
That Council receive the CEO 2021/22 KPI Report YTD. |