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2023 WasteSorted Awards

Published on Monday, 18 September 2023 at 3:53:55 PM

Last week the Shire of Northam was recognised at the 2023 WasteSorted Awards for their outstanding achievement for its Old Quarry Road Transfer Station and Northam Re-Store Project receiving the Regional Local Government/Regional Council Award.
This project has pathed the way in source separation and reduction to landfill. Since its opening on 1 August 2022, the community has supported the new facility resulting in the diversion of an additional 300,000 kg of materials from landfill. The project has enabled increased recycling solutions for products such as E-Waste, HHW, Tyres and Mattresses.
The Northam Re-Store has also been enthusiastically embraced beyond original expectations and is a major success story for Northam.
Shire President Cr. Chris Antonio said “Thank you to the Waste Authority, for both the generous grant and the support, in assisting us in making this project possible”.
We hope to continue to introduce innovation solutions to lead the way in resource and waste management by continuing to work towards a greener future, implementing waste solutions and working towards Zero Waste to Landfill by 2030. “We will continue to work with both our great community and the Waste Authority in reducing waste to landfill” Cr. Chris Antonio adds.

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