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Shire of Northam CCTV

The Shire of Northam has installed a number CCTV cameras in the Northam town centre, which are monitored by the Northam Police day and night. The direct monitoring of the network by the Police allows them the opportunity to respond before an incident escalates. The footage recorded by the CCTV cameras may also be used as evidence in the prosecution of offenders by Police and the Shire of Northam. It is anticipated that the CCTV network will continue to expand to cover new developments and hot spots within the Shire in the coming years.

The Shire of Northam have recently been awarded $257,000 by the Australian Government Safer Communities Fund to develop a new CCTV network to monitor criminal activity and anti-social behaviour in Wundowie. This project is planned to be completed by 2021.  

If you are considering installing CCTV in your own home or business ensure you use a licensed installer with the Security Installer’s Licence issued by the Licensing and Enforcement Division of the WA Police Force. A warning was recently issued by WA Police and the Department of Consumer Protection about a number of 'dodgy operators' advertising CCTV services in WA. Read about it here.