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Kerbside Rubbish & Recycling Collection

Please note that bins should be placed at your kerbside by 6am on the collection day to ensure your bins are ready for collection.

Application Forms

To commence new bin services, add on additional bin services to your existing service, or remove bin services for your property please use the below forms:

Application forms can be submitted with the title of the application form and your property address as the subject to: [email protected].


Recycling Wheelie Bins

Kerbside recycling bin information
Bin Colour Light green with yellow lid
Bin size 240L
Collection frequency Fortnightly
Bin Supplied & Owned By Shire of Northam
Council’s Waste Collection Contractor Avon Waste

In July 2013 the Shire of Northam commenced a fortnightly kerbside recycling service, for all residents that currently receive the weekly general waste  collection service. For tips on how to recycle right and make the valley a better place go to

Your kerbside recycling bin should be placed on Shire verges fortnightly with the wheels and handles facing your home on the nominated collection days by 6.00am. Bins are required to be approximately 0.5m from the edge of the verge and 1.0m apart from your green general waste bin.

The contents of the new yellow lid recycling bins will be transported to and processed at the South Metropolitan Regional Council’s (SMRC) Regional Resource Recovery Centre in Canning Vale. Here recyclables are sorted and baled for export to market. For more information on the SMRC’s recycling processes please visit

Your Yellow Lid Recycling Bin

Please place all items LOOSE (not in plastic bags) and if possible rinsed.

This includes:

  •  All glass, including broken glass.
  •  All plastic containers, tubs and bottles (empty). Items should be rinsed with lids removed.
  •  All cans, tins & aluminium foil.
  •  All paper products including wax cartons & pizza boxes.
  •  No plastic bags.
  •  No nappies.
  •  No hazardous waste.
  •  No kitchen scraps or garden waste.
  •  No building waste.

See the Recycle Right website for a detailed list of what can and can't be recycled.

General Waste

Kerbside general waste bin information
Bin Colour Dark Green
Bins Size 240L
Collection frequency Weekly
Bin Supplied & Owned By Shire of Northam
Council’s Waste Collection Contractor Avon Waste

Bin distance from kerb

Your General Waste Wheelie Bin should be placed on Shire verges weekly with the wheels and handles facing your home on the nominated collection days by 6.00am. Bins are required to be approximately 0.5m from the edge of the verge and 1.0m apart from other bins. Do not overfill the bin – the lid must be closed and the bin must not exceed 70kg.

Council provides a 240 litre mobile bin service to all residents of townsites and areas designated as 'Rural Small Holding Zones'.  A service will be provided to other residents in rural areas provided they are on a route where it is economically viable to provide this service. 

If your property is designated as a 'Rural Small Holding Zone' or you live in a rural area of the Shire and you need to obtain a service, you can do so by completing the Rubbish and Recycling Collection Request Form which is available on the Shire of Northam Website or contact the Shire of Northam Administration Office on 9622 6100.

As of 17 April 2019 the Shire of Northam will be providing both general waste and recycling 240L bins and undertaking repairs to damaged bins as required. Please contact the Shire to request repairs for any existing wheelie bins. Bins provided by the Shire of Northam remain the property of the Shire of Northam and must be left at the premises if the property is sold.

Your Green General Waste Bin

Please place all general domestic waste in your green bin. Excluding:

  •  No hot or burning ashes.
  •  No bricks, rocks and soil.
  •  No paints, solvents, liquid waste or hazardous material.
  •  No household hazardous waste.
  •  No mobile phones, batteries, mercury based globes, printer cartridges. (These can be disposed of at the Northam Administration Office and Toodyay Waste Transfer Station)

Bin Repairs & Replacements

From the 17 April 2019 the Shire of Northam has provided both general waste and recycling 240L bins.  The Shire of Northam also undertakes repairs to damaged bins as required.  Please contact the Shire to request repairs for any existing wheelie bins.  Please note, unless wheelie bins are irreparable/unserviceable, they will be repaired.  Please also allow 2 weeks for the Shire of Northam's contractor to undertake the repair or deliver a replacement.  Bins provided by the Shire of Northam remain the property of the Shire of Northam and must be left at the premises if the property is sold.