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Local Government Reform and the October 2023 Local Government Elections

Published on Monday, 7 August 2023 at 1:24:16 PM

The State Government is introducing the most significant reforms of local government in 25 years. 

These reforms will strengthen the transparency, accountability, and efficiency of local governments, enabling stronger local democracy while ensuring a better response to the needs of ratepayers and residents.

Some of these reforms will have a direct impact on voting in the October 2023 local government elections. One of the key reforms is the change from ‘first past the post’ system of voting to optional preferential voting (OPV) which will now be in line with state and federal elections.

Letter from the Minister for Local Government

Local Government Reforms

Voting in the October 2023 Local Government Elections

Minister for Local Government

Optional Preferential Voting

Why Vote Local Government

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