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Minson Avenue – Partial Road Closure

Published on Wednesday, 31 March 2021 at 2:07:18 PM

Minson Avenue – Partial Road Closure

The Shire of Northam wishes to advise that works within the Bernard Park main carpark (Minson Avenue) will commence on the 13 April 2021. The completed project will see the facilitation of dedicated recreation vehicle parking spaces for day use purposes. During this time the carpark will not be accessible to vehicles.

Additionally, Minson Avenue, adjacent to Bernard Park will be partially closed from 21 April 2021 for a short period to allow for the construction of a  informal pedestrian passageway

The Shire of Northam apologises for any inconvenience cause during this time and appreciates your cooperation with this project.



          395 Fitzgerald Street

          PO Box 613

          Northam WA 6401

          P (08) 9622 6100

          F (08) 9622 1910

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