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Notification of Roadworks – Harvey Road, Mokine

Published on Wednesday, 7 September 2022 at 1:17:23 PM

The Shire of Northam wishes to advise that road reconstruction works on Harvey Road, Mokine have been delayed due to the weather. The works have now been programmed to commence the week of 12 September 2022.

Works of this nature may cause some inconvenience to road users in the vicinity. Road users are requested to be patient and alert whilst travelling in the area. Your cooperation whilst the works are in progress will be greatly appreciated.

An approved Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will be in place during this period.

Work is subject to weather permitting.

You can track disruptions on roads by using our Road Report Tool at

The Shire of Northam apologises for any inconvenience and appreciates your cooperation in this matter.