Proposed Changes to local laws, dogs and cemeteries - click here
Posted: 13/03/2017 05:00 PM Closed Date: 20/03/2017 05:00 PM
At the 25 January 2017 Ordinary Council meeting, the Shire of Northam made a decision to review the following local laws relating to:
1. Dogs
2. Cemeteries
A copy of the proposed changes to the local laws may be inspected by downloading the attached documents, or obtained from the Shire Office at 395 Fitzgerald Street Northam between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday, and at any public library within the Shire of Northam during normal opening hours.
Submissions about the proposed changes to the local laws may be made in writing prior to Monday 20 March 2017 to CEO Jason Whiteaker or comments may be lodged in the comments setion of this website.